Rotação Oficial - P6 - Mecanismoالدوران الرسمي - P6 - الآليات والميكانيكيا 公式カテゴリー - P6 - メカニズム Official Rotation - P6 - MechanismRotazione Ufficiale - P6 - MeccanicoRotation Officielle - P6 - MécanismeOficjalna Rotacja - P6 - MechanicznePálya Körforgás - P6 - MechanikusRotația Oficială - P6 - MecanismRotación Oficial - P6 - MecanismoResmi Rotasyon - P6 - MekanizmaOfficiële Rotatie - P6 - Mechaniek |
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@7796244 edited |
Xaxadoooooo « Citoyen » 1608246780000
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@7801322 |
Tadzio « Citoyen » 1608457800000
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@7816688 @7822660 Dernière modification le 1610208360000 |
Sewdycreatooor « Citoyen » 1608499740000
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@7636989 |
Bautipro « Censeur » 1609088400000
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@7792162 @7768723 Dernière modification le 1612029660000 |
Huangph « Citoyen » 1609494240000
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Viniciusdara « Consul » 1609633200000
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@4600588 - edited |
Huangph « Citoyen » 1609683300000
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@7820181 |
Refused « Censeur » 1609711680000
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@7700062 @7700067 Dernière modification le 1610744700000 |
Pamdecp « Censeur » 1610125620000
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@2555609 @7777000 |
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@7515060 @7715544 |
Mousechris « Censeur » 1611009360000
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@7825085 @7822655 Dernière modification le 1611009480000 |
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@7809677 |
Kralizmox « Citoyen » 1611831780000
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@7826558 |
Thegbc « Censeur » 1612667040000
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I'm sorry for the delay, I've been a bit busy since last week and didn't have much time to do the review. Left as is: @7801322 - Xaxadoooooo#0000 - Alcançar, acompanhar e estimar a trajetória da estrutura com os pisos trampolims aqui é muito difícil, haja vista que, como um todo, ela se move de forma muito rápida pelo eixo horizontal e, desse modo, a jogabilidade acaba sendo bastante extenuante para os jogadores. Neste mapa, também há uma série de falhas referentes ao mecânismo em si. Constantemente, os pisos teleportam/reajustam-se abruptamente devido a problemas de sincronização, além de bugarem com alta frequência e aleatoriamente começarem a girar/serem lançados de forma descontrolada. A baixa massa dos trampolims faz com que esses acabem sendo bastante inconsistentes em relação às suas restituições. Além do mais, a falta de suporte para a construção dos shamans e o fato do mecanismo colidir com objetos são grandes fatores que fazem com que o mapa não se adeque a categoria P6. @7816688 - Hackdesamba#0000 - No geral, o mapa não inova e oferece muito pouco em termos de mecanismo. A principal parte do mapa, que é a formação com pisos chocolates no centro, pode ser facilmente ignorada pelos ratos que optarem por walljump pelas paredes laterais. Por esse caminho, o único obstáculo realmente não estático acaba sendo um mero chocolate giratório, o que é insuficiente para a categoria. Os objetos triangulares imóveis também não agregam muito ao mapa e no máximo facilitam com que jogadores abandonem o caminho central em favor da rota externa. Eu sugeriria tentar um novo layout mais elaborado, evitar uma jogabilidade excessivamente vertical e fazer com que o mecanismo seja mais presente no mapa. @7822660 - Hackdesamba#0000 - Novamente, como uma simples ligação de três pisos, o mapa não apresenta nada muito além do ordinário para a rotação atual e, no layout apresentado, a função do mecânismo é não mais do que servir como um pequeno atraso, pouco modificando a jogabilidade em si. Além disso, a interação com os pisos dinâmicos acaba sendo mínima aqui. Isso pois, considerando que em todas as etapas o único objetivo é empurrá-los para a esquerda, os gelos acabam quase nunca retornando completamente para a sua posição inicial e consequentemente o acesso às áreas relevantes permanece na maior parte do tempo desobstruído. Outro ponto que vale mencionar, é o fato de ratos AFKs bloquearem que os gelos sejam totalmente empurrados, fazendo com que, no começo, o círculo chocolate esteja sempre acessível. @7636989 - Sewdycreatooor#0873 - As I said before, it's a great a concept that reminds me one of another map we had a few years ago. It would be nice to bring this kind of "hole hunting" map back to the rotation, but unfortunately your edits don't fix the issue with mice dying when hitting the invisible circle on the hole sideways. And now, I realized that there's another glitch that causes the whole mechanism to go to (0,0) and gives every mouse in the room an instant-win sometimes. I took the time to inspect your XML and apparently the first problem is related to the defilante="" parameter killing mice too soon, when they are just slightly offscreen, not allowing them to reach the ground that is supposed to teleport them to (0,0) and I also found that the second glitch can be fixed simply by removing collision with mice for the static grounds on top of the invalid mass grounds (the ones i made black in this screenshot: or completely deleting them, since they don't seem to have much of a purpose on the map. Feel free to send me a private message after the edits are applied or if you need further assistance with them. @7792162 - Bautipro#5357 - As a whole, it just feels like a generic mice cooperation/button pushing map with a very simplistic layout and the gameplay being fairly repetitive and short. Pushing the boxes to activate the mechanism barely requires any effort and you basically just have to do the exact same thing for both buttons on the side you spawn on. In practice all the buttons would be pressed in a matter of a few seconds and the mechanic part of the map would be over. After that you have to either walljump all the way to the top or wait for the trampoline ground to appear, which is too bland of a gameplay. I would suggest trying something completely new and seek to have your mechanisms implemented in more interesting ways. @7768723 - Bautipro#5357 - I really liked the theme and overall design here. However there are several clear issues with the map the way it is right now. Firstly, the whole map is an actual nightmare for the shamans with all the acid grounds scattered around it, inconsistent collision properties with dynamic grounds and places where they have no means to help if they don't have a B nail. Secondly the grass ground device at the beginning is too luck-based due to how fast it moves. Thirdly, the entirety of the middle section of the map is very cluttered for mice to be able to move comfortably. And finally, the waiting-based gameplay at the top and with the rotating acid ground at the cheese is way too slow and tedious to be enjoyable. @4876501 - Huangph#0000 - The mechanism on this map hardly affects the game for mice, it just makes it so they have to wait a few additional seconds at the start while the dynamic ground moves aside. The use of fake grounds is highly discouraged, especially when used in a deceptive way, like it was done here. It could give players that have already seen the map before a huge and unfair advantage. You could also explore a bit more the area at the bottom left corner of the map with something for mice, rathen than making it a shamans-only gameplay that most of them could easily bypass with skills anyway. The map has been moved to P22 because of the fake grounds. @4600588 - Viniciusdara#4015 - A ideia trabalhada aqui é realmente bastante interessante e teria grande potencial para discussão. Todavia, percebe-se diversos problemas relacionados tanto à estrutura geral do mapa quanto ao artíficio empregado. A adição do prego vermelho não ajudou muito a evidenciar a diferença de propriedades do piso ácido mais inferior (demonstrar que é estático); seria aconselhável a edição dessa parte de forma a fazê-lo não mais necessário. Ratos que não cometerem erros e estejam liderando a corrida acabam não tendo a oportunidade de usufruir da transformação do mapa com o despawn dos ácidos. Isso poderia ser corrigido com pequenas alterações no layout, principalmente a fazer com que alguma parte da região central seja utilizada mais de uma vez, fazendo assim com que o conceito principal seja ainda mais enfatizado na jogabilidade. O pequeno bloco de chocolate no começo pode ser confundido com terra, é bastante difícil de enxergar em salas normais (devido ao número de jogadores sobre ele) e no geral acaba sendo bastante incômodo, especialmente após pegar o queijo. Quanto aos aspectos "mecânicos" do mapa, o parâmetro nosync="" não é uma boa opção aqui e pode ocasionar situações em que os pisos ácido desaparecem apenas para alguns jogadores e não para outros. Entretanto, independemente, haverá sempre situações em que jogadores tocarão os pisos, morrerão e eles não irão desaparecer pela própria natureza de como a sincronização do cliente com outros ratos funciona no jogo. Há também outro bug que pode levar múltiplos ratos para o (0,0) se algum dos ratos na sala tocar um piso ácido e um estático simultaneamente ou em curto espaço de tempo, o que, apesar de parecer raro, ocorreu muitas vezes tanto em testes públicos quanto privados. Além de todos os pontos citados, mesmo com portais, o shaman não tem muita utilidade aqui, acabaria quebrando o mapa e teria grande parte de seus saves perdidos — o mapa se encaixaria mais em P7. @7820181 - Huangph#0000 - Very rudimentary shaman operated mechanism with an equally simple back and forth gameplay, we already have plenty of maps like this one in rotation. Moreover, the rectangles only have to be pushed a few pixels for the map to be completed and, in fact, shaman's help is not even necessary as mice are also able to push the grounds from the top before the shaman even has the chance to reach the left side of the map. Shamans can very easily just spawn planks over the acid ground. @7700062 - Refused#6163 - A maior parte dos problemas que eu tive em todos os meus testes neste mapa está relacionado à área inicial do spawn, onde jogadores que ficam AFK nos segundos iniciais acabam depois encontrando-se presos embaixo do bloco de chocolate. Ratos nessa posição também dificultam o retorno dos jogadores com queijo para a toca e no começo permitem um atalho pulando diretamente do topo do chocolate para a plataforma por onde o piso trampolim deve ser empurrado. Mesmo se a area do spawn for completamente liberada e o chocolate dinâmico cair, jogadores posicionados na extremidade direita da lacuna ainda conseguem bloquear permanentemenre o acesso à toca. Além disso, o trampolim acaba muitas vezes não restituindo ratos com a devida força e eu aconselharia que a massa dele fosse aumentada, mesmo que isso torne um pouco mais difícil empurrá-lo em seu estágio inicial. @7700067 - Refused#6163 - O círculo menor, assim como os retângulos de gelo a ele associados, são utilizados de forma bastante insatisfatória e não desafiadoras, quase nada agregando ao mapa. No geral, as estruturas giratórias, da forma como foram utilizadas aqui, além de não trazerem nada de novo para a rotação, representam apenas obstáculos extrememante desconfortáveis para se serem jogados. A volta para a toca acaba sempre ocasionando morte em massa, uma vez que os jogadores estão pegando o círculo ainda com grande quantidade de momento angular acumulado no sentido contrário ao do walljump. @2555609 - Pamdecp#0000 - Although it's a relatively simple mechanism, the effect with the ice ground rectangles moving all in sync is kinda cool. Nonetheless, the gameplay here is far from actually being interesting for rotation, since all mice have to do is keep mindlessly running to the right until they have the cheese and reach the far end of the map. After that, partners just have to go all the way back and switch roles, doing basically the same thing all over again. Another problem is that, with the current layout, mice end up being too tempted to enter the hole and leave their soulmate behind and I also found that mice could do that with surprising ease if their partners are just standing beside the chocolate spot on the edge of the ground; mice running with a cheese can completely suppress their cheeseless soulmates' efforts to run back left. The map can be completed with an AFK soulmate, which is not much of a problem, but having an AFK soulmate here can be a huge advantage as 30s is just about enough time for mice to solo the bottom part and have their soulmate AFK-die when they are about to get to the hole. Additionally, it gets particularly painful for the shaman to help mice stuck at the bottom of the map or inside the ice cage in the center, I would suggest at least the addition of portals for the next versions of the map. @7777000 - Pamdecp#0000 - It's a really impressive effect and mechanism. However, this map coincidentally has the exact same problem as your previous submission: the map can be completed with an AFK soulmate, which is not much of a problem, but having an AFK soulmate here can be a huge advantage as 30s is just about enough time for mice to solo the top part and have their soulmate AFK-die when they are about to get to the cheese. You could try to prevent that by somehow making the map require more input from both, players at the top and at the bottom, so it wouldn't be possible for an inactive player to completely go through one of those steps without any action. I think the mechanism has a lot of potential, feel free to send me a private message after the edits are applied so we can potentially discuss the map. @7515060 - Keyx#0000 - The button is so easily reachable here and having it on this map doesn't make much (if any) difference to the gameplay, because in any case, after it is pressed, players still have to wait for the outer layer covering the balls to despawn. The gameplay is rather chaotic, luck-based and frustrating due to the inconsistent restitutions often associated with low mass grounds. The circle grounds very frequently go wild and start to bounce in a frenetic and disordered way, even glitching though grounds and ending up in places where they shouldn't be. I can't see this map as more than a P1 even if the right edits are applied. @7825085 - Mousechris#0000 - First of all, the map is too long, linear and the majority of the gameplay consists only of awkwardly trying to push the rotating grounds while having to constantly reposition yourself in an annoying, but quite unchallenging, way. Using the moving structure to cross the treadmill floor also feels way too slow and, all things considered, the map just gets extremely tiresome to play on. Further, I don't like the fact that players that AFK just a bit at the beginning or fall off the mechanism will probably be left stranded for a long time at one of the grass platforms. That aside, there are other structural problems present on this map. The ones that fall onto the treadmill floor can easily be forced against the mechanism, disturbing its movement and pushing it back, which could make progressing through the map even slower. Sometimes, mice hit the grounds with too much speed and they are completely knocked off track, breaking that part of the map. Players can get stuck in the corner between the treadmill and the grass grounds. @7809677 - Newen#6196 - This map feels too much like a random patchwork of already commonplace obstacles used in the same ways we've already seen before in hundreds of other maps. Additionally, none of the mechanisms used here go well with one another and the whole gameplay around the dynamic chocolate ground is pretty dull. Finally, the bouncing beach balls part works very inconsistently and non-sync players a lot of times fall right through them and die. @7826558 - Kralizmox#0000 - The gameplay is extremely difficult and mass-deathy, especially at the edges where you have climb to the next platform while dodging the constantly falling acid grounds. The time frame for it to be completed is too narrow. This map is huge and the whole gameplay is essentially just a lot of walking and jumping the acid grounds countless times, which makes it very repetitive. The excessively long waiting time at the beginning is quite tedious. Lastly, there's nothing the shaman can do to help mice here and they are likely to just block the pathway and break the map if they try. P1'ed: @7796244 - Karaka#0647 - An okayish map with a few different possibilities and good replay value as it tends to play differently everytime, yet it's nothing that really stands out from what we already have in rotation. The masses of the chocolate grounds seem to be comfortable enough now. P1 will do. @7715544 - Keyx#0000 - Decent vanilla-like map. Nothing really special about it, but should be fine as P1. (Minor edits to the rotation values of the planks were applied so they don't glitch too early into the round for the shaman/sync) @7822655 - Mousechris#0000 - It is really a great display of physics concepts on Transformice and definitely worthy of some recognition for it. Nevertheless, the problem I have with this map right now is that its uniquenness lies just in the methods used to achieve this particular effect and not in the effect itself. Besides that, most players wouldn't really have a grasp of the underlying concept, and thus they wouldn't be much appreciative of the mechanism the same way. Outwardly, it looks like a very simple composite of floating grounds, that could be similarly reproduced in lot of other different ways, with the only exception that perhaps here we end up with just a little bit more of swinging motion that doesn't have too much of an impact on the overall symmetrical and bland gameplay. I think it could actually be interesting to incoporporate the ability to knock over the tensegrity structure as part of the main gameplay here, opening up new possibilities for mice and making the map more dynamic as a whole. Feel free to send me a private message if you want the map moved back to P0/P22 in order to edit it. Will be discussed: None Ignored: None Dernière modification le 1613649000000 |
Blackvaire « Citoyen » 1613682060000
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@7833710 |
Teodoracool « Citoyen » 1613916360000
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@7834398 |
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@7831670 |
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@7834799 ! |
Viniciusdara « Consul » 1614047100000
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@5185205 @4600588 - edited Dernière modification le 1615743660000 |