Is Atelier801 really improving their games? |
![]() ![]() « Citizen » 1472331960000
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Lock if there's a thread on this, I couldn't find one. Honestly, we've been getting a lot of updates recently but they don't seem to please the community. Shouldn't Atelier801 focus on the suggestions we recommend to them? We always have suggestions with over 500+ comments and a majority being supported, and yet it never seems to happen. Also, I don't recall anyone asking for a better layout for the cafe, nor a second button option. What do you guys think? Should Atelier801 focus on making (beneficial) suggestions made by us rather than just coming up with ideas? Keep in mind the suggestions would have to have enough support to whereas people believe it should be added. |
![]() « Citizen » 1472332560000
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Well, some people like the changes made to their games, so some people think they are improving them. Others, think that Atelier's games are going down in amazingness, so they think that they are not. I think they are trying they're best.< that sentence will get so much hate Last edit on 1472332620000 |
![]() « Citizen » 1472333160000
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They won't focus on every suggestion we recommend |
![]() ![]() « Citizen » 1472333400000
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![]() ![]() « Citizen » 1472333760000
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So True |
![]() ![]() « Citizen » 1472333880000
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The only Atelier801 game that gets updated often is Transformice. I haven't seen anything new being added to Fortoresse or Nekodancer as of late. I'm not entirely sure about Bouboum, but I never heard about updates for it either. edit: There are GREAT suggestions that haven't been added yet. Perhaps it's because Atelier801 is too busy working on Dead Maze. Last edit on 1472344920000 |
![]() ![]() « Citizen » 1472334180000
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The old cafe moved to Bouboom. I dont think its a update. |
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sofianosm said: Everyone knows they won't add every little suggestion brought up, but the fact here is Atelier 801 is not making any improvements on their games to make them any better. There have been a lot of suggestions in the subforum, however, that seem to have a lot of supports and would make positive impacts on the game if they were added. Some prime examples of these would be Tribe Profiles and an Affordable Items Tab. Both of these are great ideas suggested by players and could better the game for everyone. However, Atelier 801 has been adding updates that players aren't too fond of, like the extra Cafe button and new Cafe interface (like what Diamondwing pointed out). Literally the only positive updates I can think of from the four years I've been here are the addition of the report feature and Shaman Skills. All other updates, in my opinion, seemed small and did not impact the playerbase much. Those that did impact it, however, had negative results. |
![]() « Censor » 1472340420000
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Well, in my opinion, yes, and I'm grateful for that, but I also feel there's better ways to improve Transformice.. *Will edit this when I get on a computer since I'm currently on kindle* |
![]() ![]() « Censor » 1472348040000
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"Their" games = ? They've only improved Transformice so far. They only get what they implemented in TFM and put it in other games. And that's not updating neither improving. The menu visual thing is f*cked up in Fortoresse, and that's a turn-down, since all the layout is gray-ish then you get a wooden-brown menu. Wtf? |
![]() ![]() « Citizen » 1472354520000
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In my opinion, they are just rushing on updates so they could get them out faster I mean think about it, they are just putting in bad and useless stuff when they could actually spend TIME on something that will actually be good for the community. But nope. They just keep adding a bunch of crap |
![]() ![]() « Censor » 1472358000000
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Brandonnst said: this ^^^ |
![]() ![]() « Citizen » 1472369160000
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I'm guessing that the posts that don't agree with the OP forgot that /cafe and the other cafe button exists |
![]() « Censor » 1472370900000
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There are a lot of great suggestions that most players would like to see on Transformice, which would improve the game a lot. Seeing our suggestions taken into consideration would be great, and instead of working on other things on Transformice, fixing bugs and adding useful things would make things much better. Now, honestly, the cafe is kinda... trash. No offence. And yes, trash. Without a moderation system, it sucks. Admins have been working on "improving" the cafe, and whenever I try to take a look on the cafe, it's full of useless threads and people just being rude and offensive. And you know, new players join everyday, and the Cafe is just a good example as to why people leave; this topic isn't about the Cafe, I know, but this is a great example about the topic. Even though admins have been working on improving some parts of the game (one of them being the Cafe), I just can't see anything interesting and I can't see any improvements. I hope this does not sound rude, but this is what the topic's about. Take a look at the Suggestions subforum, and you can look on some old threads which suggest great suggestions, which haven't been implemented. We appreciate how admins are trying to work hard on improving the game, but I'm sure other things would improve it more. Last edit on 1472371020000 |
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Brandonnst said: While I do agree with this, it seems like they only update games that actually bring in revenue, and they have only one game that thousands of people play daily, and that is Transformice. Though, I do believe there is no harm in updating the other games with their own content once a while to bring some players over to their other games. Transformice is the most appealing as of right now due to its variety. I'm sure if they added more features to their other games, people would want to play those, too. As of right now, Bouboum, Fortoresse, and Nekodancer are all rotting, and it's all because of the lack of updates and other ways to make it fun. I'm sure there are some ways to make the games better for everyone, and letting them sit there is definitely not helping. Also, has anyone noticed Fortoresse is still in its Beta session? Go to its homepage and you will see for yourself, it's quite sad. |
![]() « Citizen » 1472395920000
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the best thing that's happened to the game recently is name changes. which even took them over a year. There are so many wonderful suggestions that the community seems to really want, but for the most part they've been sidestepping everything the players actually want Yeah, I agree with y'all, they should spend time to implement these features people suggested YEARS ago |
![]() ![]() « Censor » 1472396280000
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foxeyaj said: ^ |
![]() ![]() « Consul » 1472473680000
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The intention of every update is to improve the game. Some work out out better than others, but not a single update is being implemented because the admins think it makes the game worse. Quite the contrary. Because sometimes a different view can bring up refreshing idea's, there's a suggestions subforum for the community to share and discuss idea's that could improve the game even further. A lot of people seem to have the understanding that this suggestions subforum is a place where you can drop your idea for the game and demand it to be implemented if it has a lot of meaningless replies that say "/support". This is a common misconception that a lot of people don't seem to understand (or don't want to understand). There is no guarantee that anything that is discussed in the suggestions subforum will ever actually be implemented. It is very easy to say "why don't they implement this and that, so many people want it", but the process of going from an idea to an actual feature can take a long time. With only having a limited amount of developers, you can only implement so much at the same time without neglecting all other aspects of game development. On top of that, just because the community believes a suggestion would be a great addition to the game, this doesn't neccessarily have to be the opinion of the admins. Since they have access to a lot more game-specific information, they can see problems with implementing suggestions that the community does not see, and therefore decide not to implement it at all. But you musn't forget that with every update they bring, they're trying to satisfy the highly demanding community. Even if they bring updates that nobody asked for. |